DUI Frequently Asked Questions

Disclaimer: This summary was prepared by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) and should be used for reference only. Please refer to the full text of any laws referenced below for complete and comprehensive legal information.

  • How does a customer reinstate his/her license after the first conviction for Driving Under the Influence (DUI)?

    A firsttime DUI will result in a six-month to one-year revocation, effective on the conviction date. A first-time DUI with serious injury will result in at least a three-year revocation, effective on the conviction date.

    Before the revocation period expires, the customer may apply for a hardship driver license in the county where they live. To apply for a hardship driver license the customer will need to have proof of completion from a DUI program and treatment provider, if referred by the court, and provide said proof to their local Bureau of Administrative Reviews office.

    If the customer waits to reinstate his/her license until after the revocation period ends, proof of enrollment or completion of a DUI program is required. Failure to complete the course within 90 days after reinstatement will result in cancellation of the driver license until the course is completed.

    At the time of reinstatement, whether for a hardship driver license or a full-privilege driver license, the customer must take all required exams and pay an administrative fee, a revocation reinstatement fee, and all license fees required. For DUI convictions on or prior to October 1, 2007, the customer must provide proof that he/she held bodily injury liability insurance in the amount of $10,000 per person, $20,000 per occurrence, and $10,000 property damage liability on the arrest date and pay the required $15 reinstatement fee. For a DUI conviction that occurred after October 1, 2007 the customer must obtain form FR-44 providing bodily injury liability (BIL) insurance coverage in the amount of $100,00/$300,000 and property damage liability (PDL) insurance coverage in the amount of $50,000 or combined single limits of $350,000 per section 324.023 Florida Statute. The customer must maintain the FR-44 form for three years from the date of reinstatement of their driving privilege. A reinstatement fee between $150 and $500 subsequent violations will be required.

    See also Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Requirements.

  • How do I find a DUI Program to complete my course requirements?

    Visit our Licensed DUI Programs in Florida webpage for a list of licensed DUI Programs.  Please note that you may only attend a DUI program that serves the county of your current residence, the county of your current employment, or the county in which you attend school.