
Department Overview

At the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), we come into contact with nearly every Floridian as well as many visitors to our state.

People get a driver license to operate their vehicles or for photo identification purposes. They register and title their automobiles, mobile homes, and boats. They may receive assistance from the Florida Highway Patrol if they are involved in a crash or their vehicle breaks down along Florida’s highways. Often the Patrol will remind drivers to slow down and buckle up.

There is more to FLHSMV than meets the eye. Our mission is to provide highway safety and security through excellence in service, education and enforcement. Our department members around the state are dedicated to accomplishing this mission.

Visit our home page at www.flhsmv.gov for more information on all that FLHSMV can do for you.

Dave Kerner, Executive Director
Colonel Gary L. Howze, Director, Florida Highway Patrol
Robert Kynoch, Deputy Executive Director
Jennifer Langston, Chief of Staff
David Arthmann, General Counsel
Kevin Bailey, Director, Division of Administrative Services
Steve Burch, Chief Financial Officer
Terrence Samuel, Director, Information Systems Administration
Larry Gowen, Chief Performance Officer
Jonas Marquez, Legislative Affairs Administrator

Contact Us

Department Goals and Organization

Agency Goals
Organization Chart
Statement of Agency Organization and Operation
Notice Under the Americans With Disabilities Act
Open Government/Public Records

Divisions within the Agency
Motorist Services – Driver Licenses
Motorist Services – Motor Vehicles
Florida Highway Patrol

Praise a FLHSMV Employee The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is committed to providing highway safety and security through excellence in service, education and enforcement. We would like to know about any employee who has gone the extra mile to do his or her job. If you would like to praise a FLHSMV employee for a job well done, please click here. Thank you!

Our Mission
Providing Highway Safety and Security through excellence in service, education and enforcement.

Our Vision
A Safer Florida

Our Values
We believe in:
SERVICE by exceeding expectations;
INTEGRITY by upholding the highest ethical standards;
COURTESY by treating everyone with dignity and respect;
PROFESSIONALISM by inspiring confidence and trust;
INNOVATION by fostering creativity;