Driver Improvement Schools

What is Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) and how do I find the approved listing of ADI course providers?

Drivers must complete an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course if their driver license was suspended in Florida for accumulation of points, as a habitual traffic offender (non-DUI related), or by court order.

To be suspended for points, a driver accumulates:

  • 12 points within 12 months (30 day suspension);
  • 18 points within 18 months (3 month suspension); or
  • 24 points within 36 months (1 year suspension).

Approved ADI Course Providers

NameDelivery MethodContact Information
Driver Training Associates, IncClassroom, Internet1-800-558-9887 or Provider's Website
American Safety CouncilClassroom, Internet1-800-393-1063 or Provider's Website
National Traffic Safety InstituteClassroom, Internet1-888-497-4499 or Provider's Website
Safe2DriveInternet1-800-763-1297 or Provider's Website
Metro Traffic SchoolClassroom, Internet1-888-416-3876 or Provider's Website
Florida Educational Driving SchoolInternet1-888-497-1755 or Provider's Website
American Safety Institute, Inc.Classroom, Internet1-800-800-7121 or Provider's Website
Funny in FloridaClassroom, Internet 1-800-998-8533 or Provider's Website
Traffic School OnlineInternet1-800-800-3579 or Provider's Website