Driver License Suspensions and Revocations
Other Common Suspensions and Revocations
Other Common Suspensions
Financial Responsibility Suspensions
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Ignition Interlock Device (IID) revocations
Medical or Vison revocations or suspensions, or for information on the medical process
Child Support Delinquency
Delinquency in child support can result in an indefinite suspension of driving privilege.
If the suspension was ordered by the Department of Revenue, the driver will need to call 850-488-5437 or visit the Department of Revenue’s website. Once the child support requirements have been met, the Department of Revenue will update the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles electronically with the clearance information. You may then present a reinstatement fee for each suspension, if applicable, to any Florida driver license service center.
If the suspension was ordered by a court, a driver may bring a court affidavit showing proof of compliance within 30 days, along with a reinstatement fee for each suspension, if applicable, to any Florida driver license service center.
Note: Child support delinquency suspensions are not eligible to be considered for a hardship license.
You may check the status of your driver license by using our Online Driver License Check.
Violation (Not DUI-Related) Resulting in Death or Serious Bodily Injury
A driver license will be suspended for up to one year for a non-DUI related citation conviction (including an adjudication withheld disposition) which resulted in death or serious bodily injury.
A driver may apply for a hardship license through their local Administrative Reviews Office. To obtain a hardship license, the driver must submit proof of an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) school completion and pay a reinstatement fee, along with any other applicable license fees. (Additional suspensions may require additional clearance requirements). A hardship license restricts driving to employment or business purposes only.
If the suspension period has expired, the driver may apply for a full reinstatement of the driving privilege by paying a reinstatement fee, along with any other applicable license fees, to any Florida driver license service center. (Additional suspensions may require additional clearance requirements).
You may check the status of your driver license by using our Online Driver License Check.
Other Common Revocations
Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO)
A Habitual Traffic Offender is a person who has accumulated fifteen moving violations in which points were assessed in five years, or three major violations in five years. Major offenses include:
- Driving while license suspended or revoked
- DUI, DWI or other alcohol related convictions
- Failure to stop and render aid in the event of a motor vehicle crash
- Driving a commercial motor vehicle while disqualified
- Manslaughter in which a motor vehicle was involved
- Any felony in the commission where a motor vehicle is used
If a person is determined to be a Habitual Traffic Offender, an individual’s driver license will be revoked for five years.
After one year from the effective date of the revocation, a driver may apply for a hardship license through their local Administrative Reviews Office. To obtain a hardship license, the driver must submit proof of an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) school completion and pay a reinstatement fee, along with any other applicable license fees. (Additional suspensions may require additional clearance requirements). A hardship license restricts driving to employment or business purposes only.
If the revocation period has expired, the driver may apply for a full reinstatement of the driving privilege by submitting proof of an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) school enrollment and paying a reinstatement fee, along with any other applicable license fees, to any Florida driver license service center. (Additional suspensions may require additional clearance requirements).
You may check the status of your driver license by using our Online Driver License Check.
Chapter 893 – Drug Related Offense
A driver license will be suspended for at least one year for a conviction of possession or sale of, trafficking in, or conspiracy to possess, sell or traffic a controlled substance.
After six months from the effective date of the revocation, a driver may apply for a hardship license through their local Administrative Reviews Office. To obtain a hardship license, the driver must submit proof of a Licensed DUI Program school completion and pay a reinstatement fee, along with any other applicable license fees. (Additional suspensions may require additional clearance requirements). A hardship license restricts driving to employment or business purposes only.
If the revocation period has expired, the driver may apply for a full reinstatement of the driving privilege by paying a reinstatement fee, along with any other applicable license fees, to any Florida driver license service center. (Additional suspensions may require additional clearance requirements).
You may check the status of your driver license by using our Online Driver License Check.
Dave Kerner, Executive Director