Commercial Driving Schools Overview
How Do I Start A Traffic School?
In order to open a school to teach driver improvement courses commonly referred to as “traffic school” in Florida, courses are to be approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV). There are no independent traffic schools in Florida; a school must have a contract with a driver improvement course provider that has been approved by FLHSMV.
There are two options available:
Option 1: Enter into a contract with an approved driver improvement course provider to conduct their course. It is the driver improvement course provider’s responsibility to train you how to administer and teach their course. Use the following links to locate an approved driver improvement course provider:
Advanced Driver Improvement Providers
Basic Driver Improvement Providers
Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Providers
Option 2: Develop a course for approval by FLHSMV. For details, go to: How do I become a course provider?
Dave Kerner, Executive Director