Visiting Florida Frequently Asked Questions
Out-of-state license classes no longer accepted in Florida
MYTH: Individuals from Connecticut and Delaware with Real ID compliant licenses or licenses issued to someone with proof of legal presence in the U.S. are invalid in Florida. | FACT: Out-of-state license classes issued to individuals in Connecticut and Delaware without proof of legal presence in the U.S.are not valid in Florida. |
MYTH: Florida is discouraging visitors with proof of legal presence in the U.S. from traveling or driving in Florida. | FACT: EVERYONE with a VALID driver license (according to Florida law) is welcome to operate a vehicle on Florida roads. If a driver does not have a valid driver license, they are subject to penalties outlined in |
MYTH: The list of states’ driver licenses determined by Florida to have license classes that are not valid look no different from licenses issued to legal U.S. citizens. | FACT: FLHSMV utilized online resources such as the National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL) and state driver license or motor vehicle department websites to ascertain each states process for issuing driver license credentials to individuals without proof of legal presence in the U.S. The determinations were made in accordance with s. 322.03 Florida Statute, which states: “If a driver license is of a class of licenses issued by another state exclusively to undocumented immigrants who are unable to prove lawful presence in the United States when the licenses are issued, the driver license, or other invalid in this state and does not authorize the holder to operate a motor vehicle in this state.” Indications listed on invalid license classes- *Unauthorized immigrant is defined as an individual who does not have proof of legal presence in the United States and who entered the country without being documented or receiving credentials. |
MYTH: Visitors from Connecticut and Delaware traveling on Florida roads will be pulled over so their license can be checked for immigration status/valid driver license. | FACT: Visitors from Connecticut and Delaware are welcome in Florida and will not be pulled over simply for having out-of-state plates. As with anyone driving on Florida roads, traffic laws will be enforced and if a traffic violation or criminal activity is suspected the vehicle will be subject to a traffic stop or law enforcement interaction. |
MYTH: The information in this list in final and not subject to change. | FACT: The information in this list may change due to the revision of driver license issuance requirements in other states, and will be updated periodically. |
Note: Pursuant to section 322.033, Florida Statutes, this list has been prepared and provided “to facilitate the enforcement of [section 322.033, Florida Statutes] and to aid in providing notice to the public and visitors of invalid licenses.” The information in this list necessarily and unavoidably is evolving, may change due to the revision of driver license issuance requirements in other states, and will be updated periodically. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles does not warrant the accuracy of the information contained herein.
State/Territory | Classes of Licenses which Indicate: | Image | Reference Source |
Connecticut | “DO - Not for Federal Identification” License has a “DO” for Drive Only listed in the state. | ![]() | |
Delaware | “Driving Privilege Only - Not Valid for Identification” | ![]() | |
The classes of driver licenses listed above are considered invalid in the state of Florida and may not be used when the law requires an individual produce a “valid driver license”.
Additional Resources:
MYTH VS FACT Downloadable PDF (English)
MYTH VS FACT Downloadable PDF (Spanish)
Florida outlaws IDs issued to undocumented immigrants
ICYMI: Florida’s Crackdown on States Issuing Illegal Immigrants Driver’s Licenses
Dave Kerner, Executive Director