Florida Financial Responsibility and Insurance Program
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If you need further information, please email FLSHMVInsuranceLiaison@flhsmv.gov.
Why was a transaction error received?
Review the detailed transaction report to determine why the error occurred. After reviewing the transaction report review the departments XML Daily Procedure located at:
After reviewing the transaction report and XML Daily Procedure if further clarification is needed, please email FLHSMVInsuranceLiaison@flhsmv.gov.
When is a letter on letterhead required?
1. When a customer is currently or pending suspension within 48 hours.
2. If the customer is not currently or pending suspension within 48 hours, submit a Transaction 20 (Policy Initiation) or Transaction 31 (Add Vehicle) with no errors to update the department’s insurance database for clearance.
Note: If a Transaction 11 (Recall of Cancellation) is submitted and did not clear the sanction a letter on letterhead is required for clearance.
Will a Fleet policy close a Financial Responsibility sanction?
Only if a Transaction 31 (Add Vehicle) is submitted to include the VIN’s associated with the sanction. If the VIN is not submitted with the Transaction 31 (Add Vehicle) the sanction will not close and a letter on letterhead is required.
Does the department require vehicles to be reported on a Fleet policy?
No however, we strongly recommend that the VIN’s are reported to avoid our mutual customers from being negatively impacted.
When can a cancelled policy be deleted from the department’s insurance database?
The policy must indicate a cancelled status on the department’s insurance database for 3 years.
Once the policy has been deleted from the department’s insurance database, the policy number can be recycled.
How do I check to see if a motor vehicle has an open Financial Responsibility sanction?
Check on the department’s website at: https://services.flhsmv.gov/MVCheckWeb/ to verify if there is an open sanction against the vehicle indicating an Insurance Related Stop. This message will not be displayed for pending sanctions.
Does the department require renewed policies?
Renewals are not required to be reported, however if a policy number or company code is changing for the customer a Transaction 20 (Policy Initiation) must be reported for the new policy number or company code.
Also, a Transaction 10 (Policy Cancellation) must be reported prior to the new policy initiation.
When can a customer renew their registration online?
If the policy and the VIN are listed on the department’s database with an active status and there are no pending or open sanctions.
Dave Kerner, Executive Director