Florida Financial Responsibility and Insurance Program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

NOTE: Answers are primarily for XML format. If you need further information, please email FLSHMVInsuranceLiaison@flhsmv.gov.

  • How do I access the server?

    Please email FLHSMVInsuranceLiaison@flhsmv.gov and a department member provide you with the needed information. ​

  • What goes in my reload file?

    Your reload file should show everything your records reflect as active. You should include transaction types 20, 31, and 34.

  • How does a reload work?

    A reload file lets the department compare the policy information in department records with the insurer’s databases so inconsistencies are identified. When applicable, the department sends the insurer a list for either or both of the following categories:

    • Missing: These policies are listed as active in our records, but are missing in the insurer’s reload file. You can determine if the policies are cancelled, invalid, etc.
    • Cancelled: These policies are listed as cancelled in department records, but shown as active in the insurer’s reload file. You must determine if the cancellations are correct or were recalled. You must correct these errors through your daily reporting.
  • Does the department hold daily updates when submitting a reload?

    The department recommends holding normal daily updates until all Bulk Policy errors are corrected. However, if making the necessary corrections will take more time than desired, please continue submitting your daily updates. Then, once the Bulk Policy errors are corrected, pull a new reload file and submit.

  • Should I hold SR22/FR44s while processing a reload?

    No, continue sending your SR22/FR44s.

  • Can I submit more than one company code in a file?

    Yes, you can include all company codes in one file or you can create an individual file for each company.

  • How does a new insurance company begin reporting data to the department?
    1. Review and follow the instructions outlined in the Financial Responsibility Procedure Manual for the format your company uses.
    2. When available, send an email to FLHSMVInsuranceLiaison@flhsmv.gov with your “PUBLIC KEY” and include the following in the body of your email:
      1. Company Name;
      2. FL Company Code;
      3. Contact information for Business and Tech questions; and
      4. Your PUBLIC KEY attached as an ASCII file.
    1. Finally, when you are ready to send your first production file, notify the department at FLHSMVInsuranceLiaison@flhsmv.gov so the department can update your FTP status on the database.

    If you have additional reporting or policy questions, please email FLHSMVInsuranceLiaison@flhsmv.gov.

  • What are the different folders on the SFTP server? Where do I place my files?

    There are several different folders in the SFTP folder. More detailed information about the folders is available in the Reload manual. The main folders are:

    • Dailyload folder – this is where you send your daily files or your ‘A’ file.
    • Output folder – this is where you receive your return error file or your ‘B’ file.
    • Verifications folder – this is where you receive your verification file or your ‘C’ file.
    • Archive folder – this stores all files you have sent to us. We ask that you never delete from this folder.
  • How can I receive department notifications?

    The department regularly sends email updates. Please send a request to FLHSMVInsuranceLiaison@flhsmv.gov and the department will add you to its email distribution list. The department recommends creating an email group within your organization comprised of individuals with knowledge about the insurance file reporting process.

    The department also recommends visiting the department’s Florida Financial Responsibility and Insurance Program website regularly. The department posts important memos and updates to the Reload and Daily Manuals as needed on the website. Checking the manual versions often will help ensure you have the most current and up-to-date information.