Florida Financial Responsibility and Insurance Program

Recent Issues

  1. 034 (Vehicle Already Exist on Policy) Error – This error is received when a Transaction 31 (Add Vehicle) is submitted, the 034 error is generated when there is a 15-digit partial VIN match for the policy associated with the transaction on the department’s insurance database. The department is currently working on changing how a Transaction 31 is evaluated to only return this error when the system locates an exact VIN match for the policy associated with the transaction and 034 is a standalone error. If the companies receive only the 034 error, then email the department with a spreadsheet to include the VIN’s that errored, the date they were added to the policy, Florida company code, the level of coverage, and the policy number. The department will manually add these VIN’s to the database.
  2. 044 (Vehicle Does Not Exist on the Policy) Error – This error is received when a Transaction 32 (Delete Vehicle) is submitted, the 044 error is generated because the VIN does not exist on the database for that policy number. This error is returning a “hard” error but is processing as a “soft” error. The department is currently working on changing the way the error is returned. If there are multiple VINs submitted and only specific VINs receive the 044 error the other VINs that did not error were processed. The companies are only required to evaluate the errors on the VIN’s that received it, the other VIN’s that did not error are being imported accordingly and deleted from the policy.
  3. Transaction 11 (Recall of Cancellation) – During the deployment of Phase 1 Motorist Modernization it was discovered that if a policy was initiated through a reload that a recall of cancellation will not run through the Automatic Clearance process for case clearance. If our mutual customers receive an Order of Suspension, please contact the FLHSMVInsuranceLiaisons@flhsmv.gov to have the record updated accordingly.
  4. Business Customers – Currently if a business receives a Financial Responsibility sanction, they are unable to reinstate the sanction online. The department is currently working on developing a process to allow customers the ability to access the sanction online.
  5. Voided Policies – Currently if a policy is voided the insurance companies are allowed to submit a Transaction 31 (Add Vehicle) and a Transaction 32 (Delete Vehicle) with no errors. The department is currently working to ensure the proper error is returned to the company regarding a voided policy.

This page was last updated
February 15, 2024

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