Dealers, Installers, Manufacturers, Distributors, and Importers

Mobile Home Installer

Please visit our Consumer Education section for information on mobile home safety.

To receive a mobile home installer license applicants must meet the licensing requirements below. The license period is from October 1 to September 30.

Applicants must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age;
  • Attend a free 12-hour mobile home installation course and pass the FLHSMV exam with a score of 70 or higher. The fee for the exam is $100 (Click here to see class schedule);
  • Hold a valid $5,000 performance bond which covers the proper performance of mobile home installation and weather sealing duties for a period of one year;
  • Carry $100,000 general liability insurance which covers property damage during the installation of mobile homes;
  • Complete application form HSMV 81401. To request an application package, call 850-617-3004; and
  • Pay $200 fee ($50 application fee and a $150 license fee).

Pursuant to chapter 320, Florida Statutes, businesses within this category must apply for one of the following licenses through the FLHSMV:

  • Mobile Home Installer License (IH)

Visit our Mobile Home Installer FAQ page for answers to frequently asked questions and licensing procedures for mobile home installers.

2025 Installer Training Class Schedule
Space is limited. Call 850-617-3004 or email to register.


January 7th & 8th
DOT Building
11021 North McKinley Drive
Tampa, FL 66312
April 15th & 16th
Neil Kirkman Building Room B-130
2900 Apalachee Pkwy
Tallahassee, FL 32399
August 5th & 6th
DOT Building
11021 North McKinley Drive
Tampa, FL 66312
November 4th & 5th
Neil Kirkman Building Room B-130
2900 Apalachee Pkwy
Tallahassee, FL 32399