Driving Safety
Safe Holiday Travel

Traveling throughout Florida can be half the fun of getting to your destination. During the holiday season, Florida’s roads can be some of the busiest in the country. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) is committed to the safety of all motorists on our roads and educating everyone on safe driving to always Arrive Alive. No matter what season, as you celebrate, FLHSMV has helpful tips to keep you safe on the road.
Campaign Resources
Get downloadable social media images, posters and more, so you can give the gift of safety to your loved ones this holiday season.
Thanksgiving Safety
The Thanksgiving holiday is a peak travel period for Florida families coming together to celebrate. FLHSMV is committed to protecting you on our roadways, providing you with the information you need to travel safely.
Holiday Safety
The holidays are a great time for family and friends to create memories together. When you leave your home, please keep safety in the forefront of your mind, and remember, safety begins with you.
New Year Safety
Celebrate the New Year responsibly – always designate a sober driver when going out to celebrate. Responsible planning means designating a driver or planning to use a ride share service before your holiday celebrating begins.
Buying a Vehicle
Buying a car is an important decision and major investment. Buyers should know the right questions to ask and what rights they have. From new to used cars at a dealership, private sale, auction or online, make sure you know how to protect yourself and your investment.
Selling a Vehicle
Thousands of vehicles are sold in Florida every year. As a seller, there are things you should know before selling a vehicle, including the process to transfer the title and how to protect yourself by completing a Notice of Sale, which removes your name from the vehicle so you are no longer civilly liable for the vehicle. Florida law requires sellers to file a Notice of Sale as of July 1, 2009
Tire Safety
Tires are your vehicle’s first line of defense on the road. With proper care and maintenance, they will keep you safely motoring along Florida’s highways and help you and your loved ones get to your destination safely. Always remember to check your tire pressure before road trips.
Dave Kerner, Executive Director